Tag Archive for: Happiness

Dive into the transformative journey of mental health and well-being with our latest video series, “Unlocking Wellness: A Man’s Guide to Mental Health, Self-Love, & Recovery.” This comprehensive guide is meticulously crafted to support men in navigating the complexities of mental health, addiction, depression, anxiety, and the path to cultivating self-love and resilience.

In this video, we explore the essence of Men’s Mental Health, offering a sneak peek into its empowering chapters that shed light on understanding mental health, overcoming addiction, navigating depression, managing anxiety, and the pivotal role of self-love and support systems in men’s mental health.

What You’ll Discover:

  • Insights into Men’s Mental Health: Learn about the unique challenges men face in acknowledging and addressing mental health issues.
  • Strategies for Overcoming Addiction: Gain understanding and tools for breaking free from the chains of addiction, illustrated through engaging visuals and expert advice.
  • Navigating Depression and Anxiety: Explore actionable tips and compassionate guidance for dealing with depression and anxiety, fostering hope and recovery.
  • The Power of Self-Love: Uncover the transformative impact of self-love and self-care practices on mental well-being and personal growth.
  • Building Support Systems: Understand the importance of seeking and offering support, highlighting the strength found in community and empathy.

Featured Highlights:

  • Expert commentary on the significance of each chapter and the overall message of the eBook.
  • Visual representations from the eBook that enhance understanding and engagement.
  • Testimonials from readers and mental health professionals on the impact of the guide.

Join Us: Embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment. Whether you’re looking to understand more about your own mental health, support someone you care about, or simply explore the importance of mental well-being in men, this video and eBook offer valuable resources and insights.

View the series: Shaadelyfe on YouTube

Subscribe for More: Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more insightful content on mental health, wellness tips, and inspiring stories to support your journey towards a healthier, more fulfilled life.

Connect with Us: We invite you to join our community. Share your thoughts, experiences, and questions in the comments below. Let’s create a supportive space for open dialogue on mental health.

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In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become all too common. With the constant bombardment of information, deadlines, and expectations, it’s no wonder that mental health is a growing concern. However, the ancient practice of meditation offers a powerful and natural way to combat these mental challenges. In this blog post, we will delve into the benefits of meditation for stress and anxiety relief and share some practical tips to help you begin your journey to inner peace.

The Science Behind Meditation

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years across various cultures and traditions. At its core, meditation is a mental exercise that involves focusing your attention and eliminating the constant stream of thoughts that may be crowding your mind. Recent scientific studies have shown that regular meditation can have a significant impact on stress and anxiety levels.

  1. Reduces Stress Hormones: When you’re stressed, your body produces cortisol, a hormone that triggers the “fight or flight” response. Research has found that meditation can help reduce cortisol levels, allowing your body to relax and recover from stress.
  2. Enhances Emotional Well-Being: Meditation encourages self-awareness and emotional regulation, which can help you better understand and manage your emotional reactions to stressors.
  3. Increases Gray Matter Density: Studies have shown that regular meditation can increase gray matter density in brain regions associated with emotional regulation, self-referential processing, and perspective-taking, which can lead to improved mental health.
  4. Boosts Resilience: By training your mind to focus and stay present, meditation can help you develop mental resilience in the face of adversity.

Starting Your Meditation Journey

If you’re new to meditation, here are some simple steps to help you begin:

  1. Choose a quiet space: Find a comfortable and quiet place where you can sit without distractions. This could be a dedicated meditation room or a quiet corner in your home.
  2. Set a timer: Start by setting aside 5-10 minutes per day for meditation. As you become more comfortable, you can gradually increase the duration.
  3. Focus on your breath: Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Notice the sensation of your breath as it enters and exits your nostrils or the rise and fall of your chest.
  4. Observe your thoughts: When your mind wanders (and it will), gently bring your focus back to your breath. Over time, you will become more adept at maintaining your focus.
  5. Practice regularly: Consistency is key. The more you practice, the better you will become at quieting your mind and reaping the benefits of meditation.


Meditation is an ancient practice with modern relevance, offering a multitude of benefits for those struggling with stress and anxiety. By incorporating this calming practice into your daily routine, you can achieve a greater sense of well-being, emotional balance, and mental resilience. So, take a deep breath, find your inner peace, and discover the transformative power of meditation today.

Mental awareness is a complicated topic. It has endless variables of why, how, what. It is a beast that takes self control. It controls our thoughts and the overall perception we have of the world. It leads us to doubt ourselves, create scenarios that aren’t real, undervalue our worth, become a shell of depressed emotions, and on and on. How do we “own” it? How do we not hurt those around us by being selfish, by being REAL.

Self-awareness is something that we all can be better at. The struggle of being a better person, the idea that we “have” be compared to someone else, the “want” to be in a state of bliss and excitement, is something that floods our minds when we can’t be happy inside. STOP! You are worth it, you can be better, just be YOU!

For example, I created this experience online to voice my internal struggles. I am nowhere near perfect. I understand my faults. I do believe that I provide a meaningful life for those around me. I do feel loved and accepted. I do feel worthy of this life I have. I just wish my mind could do the same. Comparison to others and experiences is a disease in itself. STOP!

So here are some things to consider when going through life:

  1. Accept the reality you currently have
  2. Life can always get better
  3. Take steps to better the internal perception you have (i.e. meditation is great, use it!)
  4. Lean on others that love you, they want what’s best, accept it!
  5. Be YOU! You deserve to be happy!
  6. Understand your worth, your contribution to the world, don’t underestimate what you are!
  7. Find an outlet, a voice, a self acceptance, a sounding board, a person that listens
  8. Meditate, take time to reflect
  9. Don’t take your pain out on others, they don’t know what you’re going through, they may never understand
  10. Cry sometimes, don’t hold it in, I promise it helps!

At the end of the day, we all struggle with acceptance, self-doubt, being the best version of ourselves, understanding that life has obstacles, it is amazing, it is be beautiful, it’s painful, it’s LIFE. Be grateful. Accept your pain and happiness. Be YOU! People love you and ultimately you should love yourself. You can only control what you manifest. Be happy, be YOU!

No matter how you describe your internal battle, it always seems to come down to facing a theoretical mountain of SHAADE ahead of you. Tackling your fears and lack of confidence starts with understanding your “mountain”. The foundation starts with the flat base of easy wins, the obstacles you face all the time but you have dealt with and won….or maybe lost and felt ok acceptance. These can be composed of happy or sad, but they are the foundations to your happiness.

The middle layer makes up the confusing and more difficult aspirations. It’s rocky (instability, anxiousness), filled with multiple paths (rights/wrongs, relationships, physicality), dangers that lurk around unknown turns (pain, rejection, loss), and it seems to never end (disappointment, doubt, repetition). The last challenge is taking on the top, the most difficult part of your journey. These are life events that require complete commitment, might never be achievable, but can change your life and those around you.

As I try and find my way over the mountain, I find that most of my constant mental battle lives in the middle layer. My middle layer seems bigger than it should be. It’s filled with obstacles that I know I can overcome, but the path seems to get more and more “rocky” due to voices and perception I put on myself. The path gets unclear, my mind can’t choose the right turn, I feel that I go around in circles, when will I reach a peaceful valley…..

“I’ve come to believe that all my past failure and frustrations were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.”


The best way that I have been able to compartmentalize my inner struggle is to break down the sections in to sizable chunks. If I can turn the middle layer and all of its challenges in to mini layers, then my mind can let go of seeing these as ONE BIG mental headache, but more of mini tasks with more WINs along the way. For my first mini mountain, I have chosen to work on my lack of confidence in where my life is at today. The past month has been confusing. The uncertainty in the workplace, the slow pace that occurs at the start of the year, viewing others’ successes as personal failures, not thinking you make a difference to those around you, etc. I know most of it isn’t even relevant, but my mind has other thoughts. It is trying its hardest to bring in depression and anxiety. This is my mental problem and I know I can beat it.

The success of overcoming this mini mountain will come to light over the next couple of weeks, but for now I have to believe:

I CAN be confident. I CAN change my way of thinking. I KNOW I can get through this hump.

I think one of the hardest parts of the mental health journey is the ability to accept and celebrate your internal happiness. What goals have you met? Did you make any promises to your self this week? Can you find happiness in others’ joy when you don’t feel your best? What are 3 things you love about your life right now? Can you just choose to believe you are on the right path to mental freedom?

Choosing to celebrate YOU can be tough. The thought of embarrassment, shame, shyness, what will people think when you share yourself? Well it’s time to take a leap of faith. You can sulk in the unknowns of your dark mind while others are begging to understand. You have to set yourself free from self ridicule and in to the light of acceptance or you’ll never give yourself a chance of moving forward.

I hope this website stands as my leap of faith. I’m still a little embarrassed or nervous about the reactions, but in days it’s been overwhelming support. People I didn’t even know are reaching out to say it was “brave”, “encouraging”, and so much more. I can now choose to tell myself the same thing. I helped someone. I can make a difference to my own mind but also to others. I took a step forward.

For that one initial post, I thank myself.

This is one step that I fought to take for so long. I kept it all in and to myself. I would never let anyone else know that I was proud of making a small improvement, nor would I ever explain the pain behind it. I lived in my own paradigm of light and dark. Today I’m one step closer to getting on the path to inner joy.

Surrender allows recovering Nice Guys to see each life experience as a “gift” from the universe to stimulate growth, healing and learning. Instead of asking, “Why is this happening to me?” the recovering Nice Guy can respond to life’s challenges by pondering, “What do I need to learn from this situation?

In this process I also learned to celebrate the joys of others too. To use their happiness not as a “poor me, I wish that was me” moment, but to apply their method or achievement as a goal of my own. Promotions, fitness goals, life changes, birthdays, etc. Learning to be happy for others in time of uncertainty can prep your thoughts on how others will be happy for you, and then how you can be happy for yourself.

So, start with the inside voice through self acknowledgment. Even on a bad day you lokely achieved something good that you won’t tell yourself. You woke up, you got ready, you read your kids a book, you did something! It’s ok to be happy!